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Image by Tetiana Grypachevska



Science Behind the Experiment

How does the baking soda and vinegar mixture create a volcanic eruption?
Mixing baking soda and vinegar together causes a special reaction. Baking soda is like a special powder called a base, and vinegar is an acid. When they meet, they make something called carbon dioxide gas.


What happens when baking soda and vinegar react?
When you mix them, they start to fizz and bubble. That's because they're having a chemical reaction. The baking soda and vinegar change into new things. They make carbon dioxide gas, water, and something called sodium acetate.


Why does the mixture froth and bubble?
The frothing and bubbling happen because of the carbon dioxide gas that's made during the reaction. The gas tries to escape and makes bubbles in the mixture. It's like when you open a fizzy soda and see the bubbles rise to the top.


Why does the volcano model erupt?
The eruption happens when the gas builds up a lot of pressure inside the volcano model. The pressure becomes too strong for the model to hold, so the gas rushes out, making the eruption. It's like when a real volcano can't contain all the magma inside and bursts out.


Can we use something else instead of baking soda and vinegar?
Baking soda and vinegar are commonly used because they're safe and easy to find. But you can try other things too! Some fruits have acid, like lemon or orange juice. You can use those with baking soda and still get a similar reaction. The important part is having something acidic (like vinegar or fruit juice) and something basic (like baking soda) to make the volcano erupt.

What You Will Learn

The baking soda volcano experiment demonstrates a simple chemical reaction between baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and vinegar (acetic acid). When these substances combine, carbon dioxide gas is produced, creating a foamy eruption. This basic reaction mimics the gas-releasing process that occurs in real volcanic eruptions when molten rock (magma) rises to the surface, releasing dissolved gases like carbon dioxide, water vapor, and sulfur dioxide, resulting in explosive volcanic activity.

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  • 6 cups of flour

  • 2 cups of salt

  • 4 tablespoons cooking oil

  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda

  • 2 cups of warm water

  • Red food coloring

  • Vinegar

  • Plastic bottle or can

  • Dish or pan

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Step 1

Create a volcano shape by mixing the flour, salt, cooking oil, and warm water into a dough consistency. Mold this dough around the top of the plastic bottle/can, being careful not to cover the opening.

Step 2

Fill the bottle 3/4 full with warm water and a few drops of red food coloring

Step 3

First, pour vinegar into the cup or bottle containing the baking soda. Then, pour the baking soda into the bottle/can. The vinegar and baking soda will have a chemical reaction.

Step 4

Watch as the vinegar and baking soda react. You should see a foamy eruption of gas and liquid coming out of the volcano.

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